Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can Lupus Cause Smelly Urine Can Lupus Cause Excruciating Knee Pain?

Can lupus cause excruciating knee pain? - can lupus cause smelly urine

My 13-year-old son is still in the testing for diagnosis. Doctors think that is perhaps in May rheumatic diseases (lupus, Stills, etc..) There be a "pop" was today. He came with a virus and 2 days later, the knee began to ache. They are so badly affected by a week, do not go into the situation. Can Rheum lupus or any other. Cause of this disease?

1 comment:

☮Alyssa☮ said...

Yes, joint pain is a common symptom of lupus. If your doctor does not know about, you should immediately inform.

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